By Judy on Thursday, 14 May 2015
Category: Uncategorized

Jesus Loves Me

Photo: Russell Ward


I read a very moving story recently about a minister from Oregon. He was assigned to provide counseling in a mental institution. As he approached the large padded cell, he realized the task he was given was much greater than his years of training.  


The cell housed deranged people and the room was filled with an over powering stench from their inability to control human functions.  He couldn't even communicate with these people, so how was he going to counsel them? The only response he could get from them was deep guttural moans and high pitched sounds.


It reminded me of the story of Jesus and the demoniac in Mark 5:1-20, and how even the most tormented can find peace when exposed to the love of Jesus.


The minister felt the Spirit of God draw him to the center of the room, where he sat down on the floor. He began to sing just one song, over and over again for the entire hour. The song was "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong."


Nothing happened that first day, but he continued to sing this song with greater conviction. Every day for weeks, he sat down on the floor and simply sang, "Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so."


In the weeks that followed, one by one a patient joined in the singing. Miraculously at the end of the first month, 36 severely ill patients were transferred to a self-care ward. Within a year, all but 2 were discharged from the mental institution. 


Such simple words, but such a powerful, life changing message.


I don't know if Anna Bartlett Warner knew that the words she penned in 1827 would be put to music 35 years later, but I'm so glad she took the time to share it with all of us. No matter what difficulties come or failures we experience or how weak, hopeless or tormented we feel, our peace is found in the constant and unconditional love of Jesus. (I John 4:10)


The greatest message, the greatest comfort, the greatest truth is sung by God’s children, young and old: Jesus Loves Me!!! This I Know!!



Pastor Judy