By Judy on Monday, 02 December 2013
Category: Uncategorized

Thanks, I Needed That!

Photo: Linh Nguyen

A few years ago, there was a men’s aftershave commercial on TV.  The guy put the aftershave on and a hand slapped him in the face, and he said, "Thanks I needed that!" and with a smile on his face, he headed out to face the world. It apparently was the Sting of the aftershave that woke him up, the shock of that first moment when it touched him. 

The big difference between the guy on TV and me was that I didn't know what was coming...this wasn't an ordinary routine to wake me up to face the world. It was more like a sucker punch that I never saw coming. It didn't put a smile on my face; on the contrary...the Sting of this experience dropped me to my knees. Instead of being ready to face the world, I couldn't even face myself at that moment.

It was just one year ago that I, too, felt a Sting in my life that truly woke me up to face more than the world. I had to face the fact that my life would be radically changed and there was nothing I could do about it, except Trust in the one who gave me life in the first place...My Creator...My Heavenly Father. 

I was told that I had breast cancer and in a week...the simple solution of having a small spot removed and then be able to get back to life as usual turned into radical operations, months of testing, to make sure I was cancer free and then more surgeries and recovery time. I have to tell you that to count this "All Joy", as we are told to do in James 1:2, was a little harder than I thought. 

This one blog post couldn't possibly contain all that I experienced, but I can tell you for certain: James wasn't wrong in his guidance concerning the benefit of trials and hard times in our lives. 

It’s not the trials that are the determining factor, but it’s What we Believe and Who we Trust during those trials...that bring us peacefully through them. We can choose to be blame God and others...feel sorry for ourselves and allow fear to paralyze us. Or we can choose to take God’s hand and walk through these dark places in the security of His presence...knowing this is necessary for our growth. 

I have learned one important lesson through this: 

Declare out loud what I Believe and Who I Believe in, and to Thank God for Trusting me to turn to Him. 

I Believe James 1:2-4

Consider it pure Joy (brothers and sisters) whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you Know that the testing of your Faith develops Perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

I Believe God Loves me…His Word is True...His presence is constantly with me...So with confidence I can say, "Thanks Lord, I needed that!"

Pastor Judy