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Being Real

Being Real


A few years ago I was traveling as the Tour Pastor for 'The Revolve Events', a Christian event for young girls, which was birthed out of the Women of Faith Organization. The night before our event, God laid on my heart the importance of 'Being Real'.


I've always loved our devotional times together before each event and on this day, as the team sat down around me, I sensed something special happening in the room as I shared with them what the Lord had impressed upon my heart about 'Being Real'.


My prayer the night before was, "Father, help me Be Real".


In my heart I heard this response. "You must first know the POWER of BEING...BEING in Me and Me BEING in you."


I remembered the scriptures in John 15 about abiding in the Vine. Then, this began to just flow from my pen as a personal declaration and I would like to share it with you.




By BE-lieving His Word...I Know I am His BE-loved. 

I have BE-come the Righteousness of God through Christ Jesus.

I BE-long to my Heavenly Father and the family of God through the Blood of Jesus.

Everything is BE-coming New in my life...BE-cause I am a New Creation.

His plans are so far BE-yond my Dreams.

I can BE-gin to rise Higher in my understanding of Him...BE-cause He goes BE-fore me and stands BE-side me.

He is BE-neath me...My Rock on which I stand.

He is BE-hind me...My Rear Guard.

I can BE Real BE-cause HE Is!!!

HE is BE-yond Description! BE-yond Words! BE-yond Comprehension!

HE is Be-yond this World! BE-yond Hatred! BE-yond Evil! Be-yond Impossibilities!

BE-yond Failure! BE-yond Fear!

Oh, to Rise to Where He Is! BE-yond Myself! Oh, that My Lord would BE More Real to Me than my Greatest Reality!

More Real than Pain or Grief! More Real than the Greatest Pleasure I've ever Known on this earth!

More Real than what I can Touch or See! More Real than my Senses are to me.

I know now that when the Love of Jesus is Real to me...His Love is what truly Transforms me...Into 'BEING REAL'.


Webster's dictionary states 'Real' as True, Genuine, Not Artificial, or Counterfeit.


The Word of God says in Colossians 2:17b "Reality is found IN Christ."


Pastor Judy



We have a dedicated team to help you on your journey toward a greater love and understanding of God's Word and how to apply it in everyday life.

Pastor Keith Hemmila: Senior Pastor / Financial & Spiritual Leadership / Watchmen Men's Ministry / Outreach Events

Pastor Judy Hemmila: Associate Pastor / Creative Arts (Worship/Media/Sound) / Count It All Joy Hospitality Ministry / Grace Connection Women's Ministry

Pastor Steve Swanson: Assists Pastor Keith / Fired-Up, Membership & Other Classes

Pastor Randy DonGiovanni: Refuge Youth Ministry

Tim RansomWatchmen Men's Ministry

Penny Gentz: Women's Grace Connection Morning Bible Studies / Ladies Summer Connection

Glen Gentz: First Impressions Usher / Greeter Ministry 

Ross & Kay Merlington: Refuge Youth Ministry / Visitation Elders

Laura Youngquist: Worship Team / Kingdom Kidz / Faith Family Fellowship / Office

Val Merlington: Nursery Coordinator / Kingdom Kidz

Katie Ransom: Kingdom Kidz

Michelle Wilcome: Kingdom Kidz / Refuge Youth Ministry

Rich Webb: IT / Creative Arts (Worship/Media/Sound)

Sherrie Webb: Communications / Office / Refuge Youth Ministry

Lead Elder: Pastor Keith Hemmila | Serving Elders: Pastor Judy Hemmila, Pastor Steve Swanson, & Ross Merlington

Lead Deacon: Scott Elliot Serving Deacons: Scott Snyder, Rich Webb, & Eric Wilcome


Giving frees us from being self-centered to being God centered.

It is a trait of God's kingdom, because it acknowledges His ownership and Lordship in our lives. Malachi 3:6-12 instructs us to test God by giving our tithes and offerings. May you experience God's blessings as you sow into His kingdom.


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